Useless information,,,,

I am writing today's blog for our fans around the world!

However, this information may not be useful for you, I am afraid. Sorry!

We released “Mini-Z LUCKY BOX”, in the Japan market this week.


We have released “Mini-Z LUCKY BOX” every year in this season over the last a few years.

Every year, the contents of the lucky box are different.

And the sales prices were very much discounted!!!

Of course, the quantities were limited and not so many. So the people who could buy this lucky box were literally lucky, I believe.

Let me introduce the contents for this year:

Mini-Z FWD Ready Set x 1set

Mini-Z AWD Auto Scale Collection x 1set

The parts that can convert the FWD chassis to the AWD chassis.

Sorry, you can not select the car bodies before buying but the price is only JPY15,950 (including consumption tax).

Big discount once a year!!!

If you have a chance to visit Japan shortly, better to check hobby shops to find this “Mini-Z LUCKY BOX”!

Have a good weekend!!!





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