Flying Super Mario™ for Christmas‼

Hello, this is R. Shirado, I am here again writing blog in English.


It is middle of December, end of the year, busy month for all of us.How was Year 2019 for you? Lots of good and bad news around the world.

私たちにとって、12月の中旬から年の瀬までは繁忙月ですね。 2019年はいかがでしたか?

In general, I believe we had a peaceful year here in Japan, except for the natural disasters we have faced. So many Typhoons hitting several cities, floods and continuous earthquakes... really painful to see these news on TV. I am praying all people are back to normal



Well, Christmas is coming soon. Did you already prepare gifts for your kids?If still not, or if still thinking what to give to them, I would like to introduce the following product, which I am sure you will make them happy!

Super Mario™ Flying Cape Mario (Apologies, we only have web in Japanese and this product is available for Japan market only, distributed by Kyosho EGG,)


Super Mario™ Flying Cape Mario


Here in Japan, we call it "Flying Super Mario™ Copter".This is Super Mario, the famous Nintendo TV Game character, now out of TV screen.Cute in size, cute in shape. It comes with a stand so good as a display model.

日本では「空とぶスーパーマリオ コプター」と呼んでいます。これは、任天堂さんの有名なテレビゲームキャラクターのスーパーマリオです。飾ってもとってもイイ感じのディスプレイスタンドが付属しています。

And of course, it is a radio controlled model so you can have fun flying it in your room.


Technical data:
Length: 200mm
Height: 120mm
Total weight: 54g
Radio Frequency: 2.4GHz
Channels: 2ch
Frequency range: 30 meters
Flying time: 5min. approx.
Charging time: 30min. approx.
Suitable for kids more than 10 years old

The Package looks like this:


With its coaxial rotors and sensor, the flight becomes really stable.Flying Super Mario™ Copter is controlled with 2 channels only: throttle and rudder.

同軸ローターとセンサーにより、飛行はとても安定します。FlyingSuper Mario™Copterは、スロットルとラダーの2つのチャネルのみで制御されます。

Throttle: to control the rotation of the rotors, for up / down and forward movement (thanks to the slight angle of rotor axle towards front).


Rudder: to turn Super Mario Right and Left


Here is one tip from me to fly Super Mario better in a small room:

As per the picture, add weight on the back of Super Mario. This will change the axle angle

and make the Super Mario slow down its forward movement.



Here is a short movie showing how it flies.Without the weight on the back, it will move faster. 

With additional weight, it may stay on the same position or even fly backwards...



Cute, right? 

Hope you enjoyed it!



Available on Toy stores(Big electronics stores/Big Shopping mall) in Japan.


Click below to see other Toy Products line up.

Thanks for watching... and wish you a Merry Christmas!



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